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What is ADRC?

The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) serves as a single point of entry into the long-term supports and services system for older adults and people with disabilities. Sometimes ADRC's are referred to as a "one-stop shop" or "no wrong door" systems. ADRC's address many of the frustrations consumers and their families experience when trying to find needed information, services, and supports. Through integration or coordination of existing aging and disability service systems, ADRC programs raise visibility about the full range of options that are available, provide objective information, advice, counseling and assistance, and empower people to make informed decisions about their long-term supports. ADRC's help people easily access public and private long-term supports and services program.

The ADRC is not just about senior services or Older American Act services, but includes information and assistance about long-term care issues for anyone. The goal is for people to get all the information about long-term care they may need with one telephone call.


Support group image

Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA) is a program that provides Medicare Part D counseling to Medicare beneficiaries to promote Medicare Prevention and wellness benefits.

Part of this program is designed to assist Medicare beneficiaries in applying for Extra Help also known as Low Income Subsidy that helps people with limited income and assets pay for the premiums, deductibles, and co-pays for their Medicare Part D. It also eliminates the gap in coverage.

How to Apply

  • Apply online, visit www.socialsecurity.gov/extrahelp
  • Call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) to apply over the phone or request an application
  • Contact the CSI Office on Aging at 1-800-574-8656 or 1-208-736-2122

Medicare Savings Programs

When enrolled in the program all or part of your Medicare Part B premium is paid for you. In certain cases, the deductibles and co-pays are also covered. You will continue to receive the same Medicare benefits, see the same doctors, and get the same service as before. The only difference is that you will save extra money each month.

How to Apply

  • Call the Idaho Health and Welfare Office at 1-877-456-1233 for the mail-in application
  • Call the Idaho Health and Welfare Medicaid Application Team at 1-855-289-1427 to complete the application by phone
  • Contact the CSI Office on Aging at 1-800-574-8656 or 1-208-736-2122
  • Download the application

Medicare Wellness Visit

The main focus of this visit is to create and update a prevention plan based on your specific health and risk factors, review your medical and family history, create a list of current medical providers, suppliers and medications, record height, weight, blood pressure, and other routine measurements, create a list of risk factors and treatment options, review your functional ability and level of safety, and establish a schedule of screenings for appropriate preventive services.

The cost of the visit is covered by Medicare including the deductible and co-payment. When scheduling your appointment be sure to specify that you want the Free Medicare Annual Wellness Visit. For more information contact your doctor or primary health care provider.